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David lived at Nairobi Children’s Home only briefly, running away from home several months after his brother had run away. My first impression of David was that of an outgoing, energetic 6 year-old. He would run around the yard at Nairobi Children’s Home for hours, seeming to never tire. Like his older brother, David is very clever. He loves piggyback rides, toy cars, and spiderman.


Updates from 2024:

David graduated from High School in December. He is very proud to have finished high school. He was born in Humera, a slum of Nairobi and spent his early life there. He says that where he comes from, most boys drop out well before finishing high school. He is excited to continue his education. Now that he’s graduated high school, he wants to go to driving school to get his license and then hopes to go to college to study tourism. David loves meeting new people and wants to see as much of Kenya as he can. His dream is to one day own his own fleet of cars and explore Kenya via the tourism industry.


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