The children attend Gacio Academy, a small boarding school in Lower Kabete, just outside Nairobi. Gacio Academy teaches computer skills and swimming lessons, which in Kenya, is unusual. Classes have a maximum of 30 students, though most are smaller. Students study core subject areas, which include social studies, English, science, math, Swahili and religion and go on field trips once a term to gain cultural experiences. Gacio Academy is ranked as one of the top 500 schools in Kenya and is proud of its high performance on the K.C.P.E. (Kenya Certificate of Primary Education). This exam is taken by all Kenyan students at the end of eighth grade and serves as an entrance exam for high school. A higher score on the K.C.P.E will help gain admission to a better high school. In 7th and 8th grade all the students at Gacio spend several extra hours each week in class to prepare for the exam. Students from Gacio Academy consistently attain some of the higher scores in the region.